Finding “HEALTH-fullness”

Remember the old adage, “keeping body and soul together!”? Caroline Myss Phd, discusses the link we have between our biography, i.e. our life course, and our biological state i.e. physiology and anatomy. It is important that we listen to the messages of the body – are we being given vital information about the way we carry out our daily living? How are our emotions, thoughts, history, relationships, longings, fears, desires affecting our long term health?

We have a moment of reflection on hearing about illness which has struck unawares. Intelligence and thought patterns affect our state of mind and shape attitudes towards life’s challenges and how we behave. We need to be mindful of the care of body and spirit by finding harmony in our lives for long term health-fullness.

Psychotherapy and counseling allows you the space to reflect and bring awareness of deep feelings to the forefront that may be affecting your contentment and peace of mind.