Breaking the Obesity Code

In the wake of the Covid19 pandemic, obesity has been put in the spotlight by our Government and more awareness has been created because of the balancing effects this has had on recovery rates. So, the question is: Do you have difficulty managing your weight? Do you look at a cake and put on 2lbs? Or, do you just enjoy food too much?

The road to thinness can be relatively trouble free through engaging with the effectiveness of the hypnotherapy route

Whatever your reason for breaking the obesity code – there may be some underlying issue you are not even aware of – the road to thinness can be relatively trouble free through engaging with the effectiveness of the hypnotherapy route, either to kick start the process of weight loss, or to supplement the progress with other weight losing programmes as an aid to keeping on track.

Controlling unhealthy eating habits

The inability to control unhealthy eating habits; the inability to maintain control over consumption may also be as a result of, for example, a difficult childhood or trauma, relationship issues, or feelings of floating along with no clear direction in life. These are some issues that can affect eating habits.

Obesity and comfort eating can, in the majority of cases, successfully be treated through counselling to get to the root of any underlying issues and hypnotherapeutic intervention may be used successfully to correct any negative thought processes that dominate the behaviour, thus reversing the habit of over- or binge-eating, and giving freedom and release from the self-defeating habit, gradually dispelling the troubling thoughts and feelings that have triggered the behaviour initially.  This method of treatment can produce quite rapid results in some instances, but is dependent on the willingness of the individual to respond in a positive way to treatment.

Changes needed to support and maintain

Most individuals who seek my help for weight management (i.e. binge eating, unhealthy choices or constant snacking, not to forget drinking habits) and want to break the obesity code tend to be unaware of the deeper meanings affecting their lives. I encourage my patients to consider the changes needed to support and maintain the positive outcomes in their everyday lives. We discuss dietary habits and recommend new dietary programmes to assist in the day-to-day progress, and which may be reinforced or supplemented by the therapy.

If you are aware of the relaxation techniques associated with meditation and states of semi-awareness, known as the hypnogogic state, where one strives to be in the realm of hovering between wakefulness and sleep, (this is a natural state when waking from a night of peaceful sleep) then this is the type of experience you would expect when engaging with this therapy.

By embracing hypnotherapy as a solution, this paves the way for gentle “self-regeneration” and provides the platform for grounding and balancing the energy system in a meaningful way, enabling the individual to go forward feeling healthy and having a positive outlook.

I see these issues of depression, anxiety and stress on a regular basis in my practice and they manifest in many different ways, one of which is obesity; the inability to control negative and unhealthy eating habits which may be a form of self-punishment, perhaps through guilt, inability to cope with the loss of a loved one, lack of direction in life, or not feeling loved and valued. 

Maintaining control over consumption

The inability to maintain control over consumption may also be as a result of a difficult childhood and troubled home environment where there is a trauma minefield of abuse or living in an addictive household where situations are unstable and changing due to substance or alcohol abuse. Another cause to be addressed may be current relationship issues or feelings of floating with no clear direction; all such issues foster the spiral of negative eating behaviour and the inability of breaking the obesity code.

Obesity and comfort eating may be considered as a form of addiction which, “in the moment”, suppresses the internal processing of unhappy external experiences and influences, which have profoundly impacted on the individual’s perception of life’s journey. 

This can successfully be treated through counselling to get to the root of the issues and hypnotherapeutic intervention may be used to correct the negative thought processes that fuel the subconscious dominating the behaviour, thus reversing the habit of over- or binge-eating and giving the individual freedom and release from the self-defeating habit, as well as relief from the troubling thoughts and feelings that have triggered the behaviour initially. This method of treatment can be quite rapid in some instances, but is dependent on the extent of the emotional damage and the willingness of the individual to respond in a positive way to treatment.

Most patients who seek my help for eating disorders, (i.e. binge eating, unhealthy choices or constant snacking) tend to be oblivious to the deeper issues affecting their lives. I encourage my patients to consider alternative methods to support and maintain the positive changes in their everyday lives as a result of the hypnogogic intervention. It is important for them to see the benefits of practicing meditation  which  is akin to the hypnotherapy experience in the consulting room, and to practice meditation themselves regularly. 

Related strongly to this is the inclusion of yoga practice on a regular basis which is able to maintain the balance of peace and tranquillity which has been achieved through the treatment, to continue. This enables the individual to maintain this state on an ongoing basis in their psyche, and can be a combination of body and face asanas. By embracing hypnotherapy as a solution, this paves the way for gentle “self” regeneration and provides the platform for grounding and balancing the chakra system in a meaningful way, enabling the individual to let go of past fears and disappointments and go forward allowing the energy to blossom in a healthy and positive way.

For more information contact:

Cornelius Counselling & Hypnotherapy
01732 822 172 or 07990 981 004